He has worked for Disney Pictures and is currently in Sony. We have opened a file on this artist, with an enviable résumé and he has also left us a selection of his art commented by him.

Name: Armand Serrano
Profession: Art Director / Principal Locations Designer, Sony Pictures Animation (www.sonypicturesanimation.com)
Artistic training: been drawing since two, got into painting in high school, finished Civil Engineering in college, got crazy and joined the animation industry shortly after.
Work done you're most proud of: I felt privileged to have worked on amazing features through the years for both Disney and Sony. Each one has its own different style and personality. I'm proud of them all.
"Surf'sUp_falls - This was an illustration for the sequence after Cody and Nani came out of the lava tube. I designed this shot initially in black and white to set the composition, shapes and values. Color and textures were added later. It took a couple of days to do this one."
Work done you're least proud of: None that I could think of.
The project you are currently working on and the next one, if any: Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs is coming out this fall here in North America. I did locations design for it two years ago. Then I helped out, again doing locations design, on a project called Hotel Transylvannia. Presently doing visual development for a couple of new feature projects which I can't give details yet.
"Cloudy_greatwall2 - This is a concept art done very early in production of Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs which is coming out this fall. Had to research the Great Wall to make sure that the architecture and landscape, though stylized, are correct."
You are inspired by: so many things I'm passionate about: faith, family, movies, history, music, etc.
Favourite artists: Alex Nino, Paul Felix, Nicolas Bouvier, Neil Ross, Sergio Toppi, Frank Frazetta, etc.
Pencil & paper, or mouse: Digital pen
Music you listen to while working: Actually, I seldom listen to music at work.
Curious habits while working: I have to have a movie or TV show on while working.
Crazy stuff on your desktop: My kids' artworks.
To work, night or day? Both. But time with God and family are the ultimate priorities.
Three movies to spend a Sunday relaxed at home: Band Of Brothers with my son; The Uninvited with my wife and older daughter; and Barbie Princess series for my little one.
Classic animation favorite: Mulan
Ancient Art or Modern: Fifty fifty
Comedy or Drama: Both
"Cloudy_greatwall3 - This is a design piece for a particular shot where a giant corn on the cob will drop and rolls chasing the tourists toward the camera."
The thoughest moment of your professional career: Moving to the US.
And the sweetest moment: At the present so far.
What you see yourself doing in 20 years? Hopefully still designing and playing music.
Tell us which has been the best advice you've been given both professional and personal: "We are just making cartoons!" and "always have fun".
His web: http://armandserrano.com/