Behind the fame of Pocoyó, there is a great team working and one of those people who compose it is Alfonso Rodriguez, Creative Director of Zinkia. Adventurer man, direct, tenacious and with a great talent, indispensable requirements for everything that he touches has so freshness and spontaneity for we can see it like when we were kids.

Age: 38
Profession: Creative Director Zinkia Entertainment
Artistic training: 5 years of graphic design, a couple of years at illustration schools and a few animation internships.
Work done you're most proud of: I have just finished a shortfilm of Pocoyo thats 26 minutes long, I had never done such a long piece and I'm very happy with the result, apart from that I have a couple of pieces that I like a lot, a project for the MTV and an animation that never got finished and that I have in my computer, it's half and half animation and motion graphics.
Work done you're least proud of: A bunch of projects in which I've been involved with, and that I do not want to talk about, they are awful.
The project you are currently working on and the next one, if any: The last thing I've done is the short film of Pocoyo I mentioned before, and three animation pieces for HBO. The next project?, there are several things, an illustration project, and another animation one that I want to start as soon as possible.
You are inspired by: The things that happen to me or to my friend and acquaintances, the music also helps a lot.
Favourite artist: A long list of people, there's a lot of "motherfuckers" around.
Pencil & paper, or mouse: Both.
Music you listen to while working: A bit of everything, but especially "Daydream Nation" of "sonic youth"
Curious habits while working: Does the lack of concentration count as a habit?
Crazy stuff on your desktop: A big mess, mountains of papers on the verge of collapsing on me, and a calendar from a chinese restaurant.
To work, night or day?: I don't like having to work at night, but I recognize that I can concentrate much better.
Three movies to spend a Sunday relaxed at home: "Groundhog Day", "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb" and "Harold and Maude" (in their absence, I'm happy with any movie with Steven Segal)
Classic animation favorite: Gerald Mc boing boing
Ancient Art or Modern: Tragicomedies
The thoughest moment of your professional career: Yesterday
And the sweetest moment of your professional career: Tomorrow
What you see yourself doing in 20 years?: What a hard question, I don't know, sleeping in an ATM?, living among gorillas?
Finally... tell us which has been the best advice you've been given both professional and personal: Professionally, a friend once told me: "Everthing I do, I do it with love, wanting to learn something new, and having fun while I do it", I liked it and I try to put it into practice since then, personally and although it sounds cliche: "live the moment"
Thanks Alfonso for your participation in our blog!
( Thanks to Pako Bagur for the translation ! )