She not only illustrates stories, but also writes her own tales, such as "L'amoureau" and "La tortue geante des Galapagos". She's starting in the animation world now. Her secret: keeping on with the illusion and evolve.

Name: Rébecca Dautremer
Age: 37
Profession: Illustrator
Artistic training: Ecole Nationale des Arts Decoratif a Paris, graphic design section.
Work done you're most proud of: ...oups, I feel always that I should do far far better than what I have already done so I guess the work I feel the most proud of will be the next one, the next book, the next movie I hope. The worst must be behind me!-) I really want to improve.
Work done you're least proud of: Argh, I illustrated a few years ago a very doubtful taste book about princesses story... I should have refuse the job but I needed to make a living.... I worked for a bank to...forget it.
The project you are currently working on and the next one, if any: I'm working now on an animation feature as graphic author and art director. It's an amazing experience, my first one in animation, I feel so lucky, and I can't wait now to do my own movie...dreams, dreams... But I'm still working on different edition projects of course. A big and fat book as a fake diary of Little Thumb, illustrated like a sketchbook. I'have to illustrate too a Book/Cd about the birth of jazz, in a collection I feel so happy to be a part of it. And I will publish next year too a personal art book, the publisher give me the oportunity to make a luxurious object, it's really great!
You are inspired by: mainly photography and cinema.
Favourite artist: in photography, so many people, I could say Depardon, Graciela Iturbide, Cameron, Riis, etc, etc...
Pencil & paper, or mouse: pencil and paper, but animation forced me to translate my image in digital technique and I feel ok with that, something to explore. But i'll never abandon the pencil and paper, the deepest sensation.
Music you listen to while working: Any kind, radio and music, jazz, pop, hip hop, neo folk, metal any!-) I love that.
Curious habits while working: ...hum I like to damage my illustration when they are over, I can keep a original perfetly clean, I need to scratch them and scrape my hands on. If it's seem to "new" its shady!-) and It's not so curious but I spend to much time by checking my I give me breaks very regularly, every 30minutes i'm afraid I have to change that, it's a crazy lost of time but illustration is a so lonesome job, I need to feel people around.
Crazy stuff on your desktop: Honnestly if i turn now my head on the right, i can see all these stuffs in a bloody mess: an old T-shirt as a duster, a phone, sun glasses, a hammer with flowers painted on, an audio headphone, a lap top, an other phone, a reel of nylon thread, a Cyntic, pens with cap, pens without cap,broken compass, a third telephone, cd, paper, cd,paper and un-identifiable things hidden under cd, and paper, cd and paper...
To work, night or day?: Normally day, but night too when I'm dead late...
Three movies to spend a Sunday relaxed at home: I can't see three movie in a day! I can not stay in front of a screen such a long time! I prefer to paint or work and it means the same. And I prefer to see movie I've never seen before , so...
Classic animation favorite: I don't know enough movie to give you a top three, Amer Beton, it classic enough? no : 101 dalmatiens.. Le roi et l'oiseau.
Ancient Art or Modern: Flamish painting, Italian Quatrocento. Modern I can only talk about photography, Rineke Dijkstra for exemple.
Comedy or Drama: movies? or theater? tell me.
The sweetest moment of your professional career: The best moment, sometime when i'm alone in front of my page and I feel something good will happen!-) It's so ecxiting. I won't exchange these lonesome moments with moment of "succes" or any public moment. No sorry, I remember the time I spent a few weeks ago with friends in San Francisco for the aution of the Totoro Forest Project. It was amazing to share moments and drinks with maybe 200 ilustrators fromall the best American animation studio in USA. Very friendly time really. And John Lasseter bought my original, I felt like a child but I was so proud!-)
And the thoughest moment of your professional career: I never really had awful moments. My first signature maybe, my first illustration class as the teacher...Yes, I guess sometime signatures in deep country book shops are a bit...special...but funny in the same time and I don't really practice anymore.
What you see yourself doing in 20 years? I hope the same in better would be great, I hope I'll still have the desire to go on an improve , I hope I won't be fed up with my job, but i don't feel that for the moment.
Finally... tell us which has been the best advice you've been given both professional and personal: I always thing about what my grand father said to me when i was 12, in french "tout ce qui merite d'etre fait merite d'etre bien fait", I try to translate : "Everything which deserves to be done deserves to be well done" and an other good advice : "work!"
Her web:

Name: Rébecca Dautremer
Age: 37
Profession: Illustrator
Artistic training: Ecole Nationale des Arts Decoratif a Paris, graphic design section.
Work done you're most proud of: ...oups, I feel always that I should do far far better than what I have already done so I guess the work I feel the most proud of will be the next one, the next book, the next movie I hope. The worst must be behind me!-) I really want to improve.
Work done you're least proud of: Argh, I illustrated a few years ago a very doubtful taste book about princesses story... I should have refuse the job but I needed to make a living.... I worked for a bank to...forget it.
The project you are currently working on and the next one, if any: I'm working now on an animation feature as graphic author and art director. It's an amazing experience, my first one in animation, I feel so lucky, and I can't wait now to do my own movie...dreams, dreams... But I'm still working on different edition projects of course. A big and fat book as a fake diary of Little Thumb, illustrated like a sketchbook. I'have to illustrate too a Book/Cd about the birth of jazz, in a collection I feel so happy to be a part of it. And I will publish next year too a personal art book, the publisher give me the oportunity to make a luxurious object, it's really great!
You are inspired by: mainly photography and cinema.
Favourite artist: in photography, so many people, I could say Depardon, Graciela Iturbide, Cameron, Riis, etc, etc...
Pencil & paper, or mouse: pencil and paper, but animation forced me to translate my image in digital technique and I feel ok with that, something to explore. But i'll never abandon the pencil and paper, the deepest sensation.
Music you listen to while working: Any kind, radio and music, jazz, pop, hip hop, neo folk, metal any!-) I love that.
Curious habits while working: ...hum I like to damage my illustration when they are over, I can keep a original perfetly clean, I need to scratch them and scrape my hands on. If it's seem to "new" its shady!-) and It's not so curious but I spend to much time by checking my I give me breaks very regularly, every 30minutes i'm afraid I have to change that, it's a crazy lost of time but illustration is a so lonesome job, I need to feel people around.
Crazy stuff on your desktop: Honnestly if i turn now my head on the right, i can see all these stuffs in a bloody mess: an old T-shirt as a duster, a phone, sun glasses, a hammer with flowers painted on, an audio headphone, a lap top, an other phone, a reel of nylon thread, a Cyntic, pens with cap, pens without cap,broken compass, a third telephone, cd, paper, cd,paper and un-identifiable things hidden under cd, and paper, cd and paper...
To work, night or day?: Normally day, but night too when I'm dead late...
Three movies to spend a Sunday relaxed at home: I can't see three movie in a day! I can not stay in front of a screen such a long time! I prefer to paint or work and it means the same. And I prefer to see movie I've never seen before , so...
Classic animation favorite: I don't know enough movie to give you a top three, Amer Beton, it classic enough? no : 101 dalmatiens.. Le roi et l'oiseau.
Ancient Art or Modern: Flamish painting, Italian Quatrocento. Modern I can only talk about photography, Rineke Dijkstra for exemple.
Comedy or Drama: movies? or theater? tell me.
The sweetest moment of your professional career: The best moment, sometime when i'm alone in front of my page and I feel something good will happen!-) It's so ecxiting. I won't exchange these lonesome moments with moment of "succes" or any public moment. No sorry, I remember the time I spent a few weeks ago with friends in San Francisco for the aution of the Totoro Forest Project. It was amazing to share moments and drinks with maybe 200 ilustrators fromall the best American animation studio in USA. Very friendly time really. And John Lasseter bought my original, I felt like a child but I was so proud!-)
And the thoughest moment of your professional career: I never really had awful moments. My first signature maybe, my first illustration class as the teacher...Yes, I guess sometime signatures in deep country book shops are a bit...special...but funny in the same time and I don't really practice anymore.
What you see yourself doing in 20 years? I hope the same in better would be great, I hope I'll still have the desire to go on an improve , I hope I won't be fed up with my job, but i don't feel that for the moment.
Finally... tell us which has been the best advice you've been given both professional and personal: I always thing about what my grand father said to me when i was 12, in french "tout ce qui merite d'etre fait merite d'etre bien fait", I try to translate : "Everything which deserves to be done deserves to be well done" and an other good advice : "work!"
Her web:
Thanks Rébecca for your participation in our blog!